Enjoy your conference in undisturbed atmosphere and splendid natural surroundings
in the beautiful renaissance palace of Næsbyholm Castle which is just 1 hour from Copenhagen. This allows you to organize courses and conferences without being disturbed by other guests or potential competitors. With an attendance of just 20 people, the entire castle, its glories and the splendid surroundings are yours to enjoy. Everyone is always personally welcomed and the highly personal and professional service that prevails in the house almost takes you back to the time of ” Upstairs – Downstairs ” servants. The castle’s domestic and staff caring presence provides an atmosphere of quality and safety. If you require a certain amount of discretion in eg strategy meetings and executive committee meetings, Næsbyholm Castle is the obvious choice – there is only one company here at a time.
Team- Activities
The area around the castle offers, besides the castle grounds, both the forest and lake – so if you want to be challenged by a team building event , we have lots of good suggestions for fulfillment of all temperaments .
If you wish to unfold your active part we invite you to try the balance beam , Gandalf puzzle or bow-challenge, and of course Midgaard Events’ ‘The combat’ is an obvious choice.
And if you are a real water dog, there is ample opportunity for expression in a canoe on Susåen . If you like to solve puzzles, you could create a lot of excitement with one of the murder mysteries.
Perhaps you can even meet Charlotte Helene von Schindel ‘s ghost, and try to get to the bottom of the event ‘ the Næsbyholm mystery’ that is tailored to Næsbyholm Castle.
Næsbyholm mystery … a event during dinner
The game takes place during dinner, and is led by professional actors. As the dinner progresses more clues surface, and mysteriously it opens up for the castle’s long history – for here lies the key to the riddle! So while enjoying good food and wine you will still find room to talk and have fun at the table. You need wits and wisdom to liberate Næsbyholm from its tormentor – an exciting, fun and a little spooky night.
The mystery is based in the castle over 400 years long history and is told through prominent historical figures who have inhabited Næsbyholm Castle over the years. .
Contact us at info@mev.dk or phone +45 33 23 95 75 for more information.